Monday, July 9, 2007

Prepare Daily

“Not many should become teachers, my brothers,
knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment....”
- James 3:1

In an earlier article titled The Prepared Teacher, it is mentioned that we provide an outline in our Teaching a Bible Lesson workshop along with a recommended Daily Prep Schedule. In today's article, I want to mention some specific areas of preparation that can be of help to you. After all, if we consider the “accountability” in James 3:1, we have no choice but to be well-prepared in every way.

If there was a way to get a glimpse of the study habits of some of the greatest Bible study teachers in the world, I am sure we would see many of them in various positions as they prepare to teach a Sunday School or Bible study lesson. They may be found kneeling in prayer, pouring over commentaries and the Word of God, trash cans overflowing with discarded notes or perhaps with tears puddling upon their desks. How would you be found?

I want to make a point of saying that the foundation of sound Bible teaching is only found in the Word of God. Effective study habits require discipline. Here at Center Cross Creative, we have developed a basic study routine that can be quite effective. Take a look for youself.

Daily Prep Schedule

Sunday Evening
Read next week's Bible lesson while the excitement of today's lesson is still fresh on your mind. You may find the next lesson is a continuation of today's lesson, or that the two Bible lessons have similar themes to encourage your learners.

Pray, asking God to reveal ways that the upcoming lesson may apply to your learners and their lives.

Read the lesson to begin absorbing the main topic or theme. Then, look for events throughout your day that may relate to the Bible study material.

Meditate on Scripture, asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you about effective ways to present the Bible lesson to your learners.

Gather your resources and review them. Make brief notes about each portion of the lesson. Try to recall events from yesterday that may relate to the lesson. Write them down as examples to be used with your Bible study lesson.

Read Scripture in a quiet place.

Pick a direction or key theme.

Do some self-evaluation today, asking God to reveal any weak areas in your life that may hinder your study time and the presentation of the Bible study material on Sunday.

Attend church service tonight in support of your local church (We realize not all churches have Wednesday night services, but if your church does, we encourage you to attend). Even though you are preparing a lesson for your learners throughout your week, God may have a very special message for you as well.

Read your resource materials along with the Scripture for the upcoming Bible study lesson.

Pray and ask God to reveal His truth to you regarding the lesson material.

Make a rough draft of an outline.

Read all of your reference materials along with the Scripture again.

Meditate on the Scripture before beginning your workday. Ask God to help you to be keenly aware of the events of your day and how they may apply to the Scripture passages.

Take time with your family tonight. Remember, they need you too!

Take time with family again today. Do some chores. Remember, your family needs you and you need them. God recognizes your commitment to teach His Word, but He has no desire to have you sacrifice precious time with your loved ones. He is the master of time.

Do a final review of the lesson material. Prepare a final outline for the Bible study lesson.

Gather everything (outline, notes, prayer requests, commentaries, your Bible, etc.) you will need for an effective presentation of the Bible study lesson tomorrow.


Sunday morning
Deliver your lesson with confidence!

As you close today's lesson, be prepared to challenge your learners. If time allows, give the learners a sneak-peek of next week's Bible study lesson.

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